Webinar: how to break accessibility barriers and empower your content editors

Every year, hundreds of higher education professionals meet up online for the HighEdWeb Accessibility Summit. This year, we continue our long tradition of support and sponsorship and are delighted to present a talk on breaking accessibility barriers for content editors.

Terminalfour are long-time supporters and sponsors of HighEdWeb, and as Association Sponsors of HighEdWeb and Gold Sponsors of the Accessibility Summit, we’re delighted to once again participate in the HighEdWeb Accessibility Summit this July 25. 

HighEdWeb is a volunteer-powered association that fosters an inclusive dialogue around existing and emerging topics in higher education.

Digital accessibility in higher education is critical to universities and colleges worldwide, and the HighEdWeb Accessibility Summit (#A11ySummit) is focused specifically on higher education accessibility topics of interest for developers, marketers, writers, designers, programmers, leaders, and more.

This one-day summit is dedicated to sharing knowledge to making digital spaces accessible to everyone, and many HighEdWeb participants return year after year for the many sessions focusing on everything from strategy and accessibility to design and content.

Terminalfour Association and Gold Sponsors of HighEdWeb Accessibility Summit

Our own Piero Tintori will be presenting on breaking accessibility barriers and crafting connections so you can make accessibility top of mind for your content editors and developers.

Come join us and learn about best practices from other universities and colleges that can be applied to your own institution.

It’s not too late to register!

Can’t make it to the Accessibility Summit? Join us in Buffalo, New York, and online this October 8-11 for the HighEdWeb 2023 Annual Conference, created by and for higher ed professionals across all departments and divisions.